2017-01-19 / / / / is this not private anymore?

So last night I had a weird dream, I was at this house that was my parents, but it wasn't my parents house. I decided to have a party becuase tehre was a stupid bachelorette party going on in another part of my house, that I wasn't a part of. SO I invinted a bunch of my weird friends to my house to have a party. And then these guys from like a weird gang showed up, mostly to see and party with the girls having a bachelorette party. They were gross yuky guys, so I thew large bottles of alcohol and axes at them to get out of my hoouse. I wasn't scared of them. But they were strong and angry, and part of a yuky gang so they keyp coming back.
One guy got in the house and he grabbed this weird chainsaw type knife, and he threatened me with it. He said him and his friends were going to come and party. And I said no, they could fuck off. I thew more bottles at him and his friends. He grabbed the knife and cut the back of my skin behind my legs, and dug it through the skin down my back.
I could feel the weird sting, and strecthy feeling when your skin gets cut.
I didnt want to move.
I said fine, he could stay and party, but I said dont' harras the girls having a bachelorette party.
They all came in the house, and were gross. And me and my party sort of went to somewhere else in dreamland.
I visited Shay, and we were at some type of college house thing and sort of doing hair. and She was in and out of relationships.
That part of the dream I forget
But I had to go to the hospital to get platelettes. and the dr gave me this weird bag that i was drinkigng and realizied i shouldnt be drinking it, the plateltes turned into these weird white disks that looked strange and i wondered how they were going to get into my blood, And the mixture turned red and purple and seperated
It was weird
Today I decided when I got up that i'm going to draw.
SO since I want my job to involve more drawing,
Im going to pretend on my days off my job is drawing.
This is very new for me.
I usually only draw at night due to insomnia.
I'm working on an owl right now.
And it seems to have lots of possibilities,
and ive discovered new ways to draw somehow.
My break is working very differently to solve problems. I am using a lot more visual references and drawing out lots of practice sheets first until i decide my real design.

I love drawing and then making digital abstract art work out of my creations.

Its my fav thing to do. and photography
and probably my own makeup
and then scrolling the interent for cool inspiring things.

My blog would be someehitng along those lines

before \ \ \ \ after