2015-06-11 / / / / god

If I didn't believe in god I do now. Did I mention that already. My question mark doesn't work on this computer. Reiki brought me to the realization that god is the ultimate healer. Were all just his energy. I had this crazy vision yesterday. At first there was this empty grey nothing, and it longed for something so the tiniest bit of matter was created, then that matter was lonely and wanted something so it created physics, then that was lonely and needed something so created attoms and particles and gravity and so on an so forth for billions of years, and them earth and water and sky and all the elements, then humans, then god in heaven became master of all humans. So everything is energy that has been created always created never destroyed. that energy will live on forever because of exsistence. and in heaven where god lives in essence in spirit because there is no gravity only thought and conscious awareness. So then god and the angels and other gods are connected to everything, because they created god to creat humans. and god is connected to the creator of energy which is nothing. because it created him. so nothing created god, to become everything. but human god is father of animals, humans, and then the trees are what made people as well. and they have a god. or a collected consciousness. im not sure. but god is connected to all human souls. and we all fit into this magical creative destiny that we all plan out before coming to earth. and because god lives in pure energy so do we. and their are artists and scientists and athletes, all at their highest power in gods world. we are all working on all of our magical creations and making the world a better place.
im not sure if god created the earth. but I think he did, and then there are other earths in different time zones. and we all float around in infity with our cosmic consciousness. the bigger picture is that we are all tiny specs of light in a bigger picture functioning on a beautiful level of light and bliss. magically into infinity. our lives have always exsisted will always exsist and every foot print we leave on this earth matters. its cosmic math. were all connected, all responsible for our actions, we are all impacting earth at this moment in time, that will effect every single thing in the future.
every action I have made will have an outcome down the road, and will always exsist. just like what someone random did on earth 500 years ago, they did whatever they did. like those movies that go back in time. and you change one little thing- and then the whole world is diffreernt. well this is truth. you cant go back, on this earth and change things it will always exsist. so be careful with your acions and your thoughts because they are very real

before \ \ \ \ after