2002-10-18 / / / / nice talking to myself

Today is Friday

I need to get up and attom

Im still in my pajamas, first of all i was supose to goto toronto 20 min ago, but i cant becasue I have to finsih a ring for a guy who works down town and bring it to him before noon, and its still not done, then i have to finsih the evil production casting ring project that will never be finished and be responsible for me failing school.

ah to much stress, anyways I like being here at home in my pajamas pretending i have no where to be..

I just finished checking my e mail and writing new ones back, i like doing that right now the 2 people i e mail most are wes and JK

how fun, oh and lindsay, but lindsay sends me more mail mail.

I need to not spend my money, i have 1 week to go and i shold get my opt out money and hopefully find a new job soon, crap i forgot to call the video store to see when they needed me to work today,

maybe i should do that. hmm i need to buy black cds i forgot all about that but I owe Justin MIckey and Gord a cd, Justin gave me 2 and mickey requested that i make him a Hayden/luna cd i downloaded all the songs i just have to find burnable cds. and Gord is just nice he deserves a mixed cd. ok i think this has cleared my mind for a while, i'll probably be back soon, wow i type much faster then i print

yeay for computer diarys

before \ \ \ \ after