2016-04-19 / / / / today at counselling

Today at counselling we talked about me being co dependent. i was proud of myself for not talking to any exes this week :)
I was encouraged to find my love language. I dicusessed being torn between being a healer and my job. my heart wants to be an artist and trust its intuition because thats your soul. It is obvious that i neglect my self care and put others needs about my own, which in turn makes me a little gross. Decide what your goals are and stick to those. and dont do or focus on things that will distract you from your goals. So pretty much write down your goals and really ask your heart what it wants.
Dont settle for stuff you dont want. Follow its guidance. for instance when i wanted to do reiki but felt depleted. dont let people steal your energy. maybe you are better to stay home alone and work on art and stuff like that .
its important that people around me dont drink smoke do drugs or be negative. I felt bad that i made plans with people but canceled but realized i didn't want to make plans anyway

before \ \ \ \ after