2015-07-08 / / / / post

im looking at my life a hundred years from now. I am analyzing all the ripples I created. Are they good ripples? did they make a whole bunch of things change for the better? or are they bad ripples? Did I fuck a whole bunch of things up.
I have a chance to work on earth as a person capable of providing positive change, that will ripple throughout time and cause other things to change.
I have the chance right now to fix all the things that are broken, and make things a lot better for now, and the future.
When I look at my life from a hundred years from now I want to see the good things I left behind. I want to see them flourish and help people who are lost.
We can't change the past, but technically we can. If we realize that everything thing we are doing right now cant be changed. we can't go back and un do it. It's working consciously in the present, to create a better future. One we don't need to go back and fix.

before \ \ \ \ after