2003-02-16 / / / / froot loops

theres to much to write i dont know where to start.

im hopefully going to have a nap soon and then im going to wake up and do some homework. tomorrow i get to work two 4 hour shifts. 12-4 at the vid, then 4-9 at the telemarketing place.

super. im so tiered right now

so many people fall in love in the movies. so many its so annoying movies are so annoying that way.

i want to own a radio station.

wouldnt that be cool? someone cool in Barrie should do that, i would be proud. i think i shuld find a way to get to singapore. or try on a new pair of shoes. who left my sandals on the iguana. guy patterson.

so how my life compared to everyone eleses? i wonder how it rates, i mean if we were all rated and i was a 5 or something. i wonder what i should be.

i want to learn how to do something new soon, like hair dressing school.

i will also have to start thinking about buying a studio for jewellery and getting a pst #. i will do that later on today. ok thats all for now

before \ \ \ \ after