2002-10-20 / / / / who said this doesnt make sense?

a shadow fell across my window, not to much left to think of what it is.

i didnt need an excuse so i grabbed the latch to the trapped door on the floor and it exploded into a slide, i jumped down and caught a sea of enchanting birds that flew through my skin. i waited at the bottom, i got up i was just skin and bones, my arms were thin and sore i reached for the swing swaying infront of me, i sat down on it and started to drown... my eyes looked up at the sky, and water filled my lungs. i suddenly grabed my throught with my hands that were cold. they were fading the the thoughts of light were slowly disapeering everything was grey cloudy and distant. can you see me? hello? im here your weightless, let go and see. i dropped a cup of water onto a red plate of blood. dont let it go... see the water? its diluting the blood into nothing...

but i need the blood dont i?? i started to drink it, but it slipped through the holes in my neck and i fell to the ground... it smelled old and stale and my nose hurt. it felt like black. i was scared.

before \ \ \ \ after