2004-02-14 / / / / my weekend

I dyed my hair this weird red colour, and i cut some bangs into my hair. it was pretty fun!

Last night i went downtown to visit curt and aaron, I went to the shop and talked to jen about my tattoo whcih im getting on wednesday, and curt might pierce me and aaron tomorrow.

that will be cool. I love changing my look its sort of annoying how people react to it though. I wish no one would notice or say anything.

Anyways, we went to second cup where aron curt and i sat and drank yummy coffee and there friend jewels was sitting with us. he was really neat. aaron got laid off again i feel horrible. so i comforted him, but then i left to hang with cat. I absolutyly hate justin. I guess thats a strong word but he seems so fake, I dont trustthat guy at all.

The bar was gay last night we went when everyone was stupidly drunk around 1 and i was to sober, so i left, I felt like i had alot of anxiety and i felt depressed. this morning i also awoke with even wore anxiety itwas horrible.

mac comes over tomorrow. Im realy suprised. but he has to becuase today is valentines.. and he has to moveout tomorrow to. blah. I hope things work well for us on our adventure. Id really like a place in Bc that would be nice.

oh i haveto work tonight, im not looking forward to it at all.. i dont even think i have anything clean to wear either. oh well. work sucks huge.

I cant waitto be done. so yeah, thats all i guess. cheerio

before \ \ \ \ after