2015-10-21 / / / / Client 1

So today with my reiki treatment, LOA worksheet I feel like it went OK. I did 3 people in a row, so that was kind of tiring. I would probably stick to 1 a night. That way if the reading needs to go a little longer it can.
Client 1 came over first, He brought me Cds. That was cool of him. He invited me to a comedy show tonight. but I'm always confused about him because I like him. He's too young! So we talked for about 30 minutes, we were running a bit late because i gave him the address for the salon, not for my house. Like the idiot I am. So with his LOA sheet, I started with writing down his Goals, his goals were ridiculous, like making a steam engine, always wanting to have a Grow op. Not getting divorced, being well off, traveling the world, etc. I can't remember the other ones, but there were a few that made me laugh. Then I went through his life, so we went to work. he mentioned how at work he doesn't smoke in the smoke pit with people and avoids drama now. He likes his job, but he doesn't want to regret being there forever and missing out on life. He said something about not being afraid about getting fired at work. and he worried he would regret that. I asked what he meant, and he just meant that maybe he has a good job and should take it more seriously.
His job is amazing, he's very lucky to have it.
Anyways, He didn't say a lot about work, it didn't seem to stress him out.
Then I asked what made him happy and he said writing his piano songs, and I asked what else, and he didn't have a huge list. He mentioned spending time with his friends. He said he also liked litterature and writing. And I asked if he had written anything and he said no, because work makes him tired and he doesn't have a lot of time. I asked about his days off, and he said he usually wastes some time off hanging out with his friends.
I asked about his fears, and the top of the list was divorce. He said it wouldn't be fair on the children, because they wouldn't be able to cope with it. I asked why he felt that way, and he didn't really come up with anything. I asked why he thought he may get a divorce, and he said because his wife would cheat on him.
I asked why he thought that and he said he didn't know.
He couldn't elaborate on why a divorce would be so terrible, he just said it would be hard to cope with.
Then he said he had a fear of not accomplishing his goals, not traveling enough, not writing enough, not becoming more successful. I asked him what he meant by being more successful and he couldn't really answer. He said he wanted people to like him and respect him. And that he didn't want to wake up at the end of his life and wish he could do it over. He said his mom just retired and then got cancer. He said he doesn't want to be like that. To just work his whole life and the get sick and not be able to enjoy it.
I asked what he would wish he could have done differently and he didn;t know. He said he just didn't want to miss out on anything.
I asked what else he was afraid of, and he said if his wife got sick and wasn't mentally cognitive anymore, he wasn't sure how he could deal with that. He said he wouldn't be able to be with her anymore. Or if she was severely disabled.
I asked him what made him sad. And he said when he went to visit his mom- no one would talk about the cancer but it was the elephant in the room. He said he wished he could go visit her more, but when he visited she just pretended to be happy when he knew she wasn't. I asked how he could make a difference and he said, just be more open and talk about whats really going on.
He said his mom is recovering but he feels guilty for not visting more.
I asked what type of things he felt he was missing out on.
Actually I asked him to rate his life on a happy scale. He rated it a 6.5 I asked why, if he felt something was missing.
He said a relationship was missing, he wished he had a girlfriend. He said maybe he should go back to school, or travel more, or work on becoming a bigger success at work. He said maybe he would move to BC, because here he lacks enough people who connect with him. I asked him a little bit about the type of friends he had here, and he said he was happy with them. I asked him what he was looking for in a girfriend and we made a list of
the pretty girl next door. vs a HO who is too pretty.
His list was very superficial, and he cousin;t come up with much more other than the fact she would;t cheat on him and she liked the same music. I asked why he hasn't met someone and he said because he usually just stays in with his tight nit group of friends.
They don't get out to meet people.
He said he wouldn't meet a girl at the bar because thats not his type. I asked what type that was, and he said the type that would cheat on him.
He then said he would date a girl and adopt, but he couldn't date a girl with a kid, because it meant that some guy other than him had been "Banging" her repetitively and it wasn't something he could deal with.
Then he couldn't come up with exactly anything else he thought he was missing in life, but felt as though he was missing something.

So then I did the reiki. His energy hadnt had reiki before, so it was hard to get it flowing the right way. it was all very disconnected, his feet weren't really grounded so I grounded them. His yellow and orange chakras were cloudy. His red was good, his purple was good, everything was good. But his orange was muddled and dusty- i looked inside and I saw what looked like a snake climbing up a mountain, i saw him being outside and having adventures. his yellow wasn't as bright as it could be so i connected it better to the universe, and it was about his personal power- being gifted at music and things like that.
I finished the rest of his chakras which were pretty good, when I see good it means theres no residual energy hanging around. no black, or muck from sad pieces of the past that hurt us. His were flowing pretty freely.
Then I took him to the Universal energy for his talk with god.
His connection was already open- so that to me means he believes in a higher power. i didn;t ask him but i could tell. Because he has received messages or guidance before and listened. And when we listen, it opens up the attennna to receive more easily and openly.
God was happy that he was doing things he liked doing, like playing the piano, being interested in all sorts of topics about the word, He showed me more pictures of him travelling more like outdoor adventure type of travel. And he was hugging people. God said you have discovered yourself, and your potential- you can help other people find theirs. He was happy with him, he said stuff like keep going, give more hugs, help people., MAyeb he had donated money or something that was selfless, because there was some type of thank you from god. That he had gone out of his way to help someone. And thats what god really likes a lot. Kindness with no return. And in return its like a flow of whats in our heart will grow. SO I could see that he was intune with the the right music, and all that for his soul.
The only thing that was blocked, was a worry that he could be disconnected from his higher self, and that he wouldn't grow it enough. There was encouragement to just help his friends more the way he is, but open himself up to a larger scale of people. Open some doors. meet new people. like become part of a charity group- or whatever. he's meant to help people in some ways. ( we all are) but Yes. it was good.
I closed off his energy and he left. He's a good person.

The next person (Client 2) I read was in the middle of a crisis, so I decided not to do the life plan and just give her reiki. She cried, and told me what was on her mind. About leaving her husband for another man. And that she was worried she didn't love her husband anymore.

before \ \ \ \ after