2015-09-25 / / / / -

I am shielding myself more, and reflecting negative energy back at those who sent it to me. I am trying not to fear anything and trust in god. and that god will give me the thoughts i need and provide me the answers when i need them.
I am trusting that my heart will heal me. and those around me. and that i can breathe strong energy into it and around it.
I believe i will be ok. i will not worry. I will spend my money wisely and not have any addictions. I will treat those how i would like to be treated. i will not get angry no matter how entitled i feel. i will not put myself in vulnerable situations. i will trust my intuition and know that it is always right.
i see gerry, i see that he's a bit materialistic and wouldn't like me if i was fat. i see that he has bad friends with crappy values. i see that if given the chance he wouldn't really treat me how i need to be treated. i see joel as a scary addictive person who takes up too much time. i will open myself up to meeting new people/
I will draw and read and ask that the angels provide me inspiration knowledge and guidance.
i will always work towards things that feel good, happy positive relaxing. i will not welcome any stress into my life.
I will feel calm and grounded. i will reflect negative energy with mirrors, i will ask arch angel micheal to cut all energy chords. The strongest feeling i have is to make 0 plans. I do not need any plans. they drain my energy. i will not make any commitments/ other then ones that serve my higher purpose.
my higher purpose will only act out of love. I will not spend too much money on things i don't need. i will attract abundance. i will pay my debts. i will always ask god to communicate with me and heal through me. i will access the white room and ask for it to heal me, and teach me so i can help others.
i will ask reiki energy to come through me. so i can give that to others and not my own energy.
i will move on from my past.
i will create new beginnings. i will love music.
i will love myself. i will find my higher self.
i think i am my higher self. learning, creating, being happy and relaxed. not wanting things for other people.
i will eat health, because that will give me energy. i wll not eat processed food. yuck.
i will avoid sugar.
i will love monkey and i will love and be in the moment. I will let god always wash my energy and send me happiness again.
i will learn more about energy and use crystals to help me grow and learn more.
i will keep track of my tough

before \ \ \ \ after