2008-05-23 / / / / loving oneself

I made a promise to myself to open a new chapter in my life. To help my self grow, and to stay in the present moment. I let the old troubled thoughts find there way through my mind until they desolve and I can finally slepp.
my noisy thoughts and negatvie thought patterns will soon be gone too. I am no longer ugly short stupid fat or retarted. I am crystal, someone who enjoys life, and herslef. she can find peace in every moment and live each day to it's fullest with no expectations. My awarness will no longer dwell in any other place but the now. and I will use the now to better equip my mind to live at ease with my body. we will practice yoga, get proper sleep, cut back on coffee, nictotine, and we will stay active three times a week, to make sure we are taking care of ourselves.
I will treat my skin to luxiours creams, I will get muscles masaged when they are sore. I will find in it my self to accept who i am, and have no judgements. I will forgive myself and my friends, and I will move on, i will build a sanctuary of care, and build it with happiness. I will accept every day for what it is.

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