2007-09-26 / / / / dudde

I miss Luke, and I miss Dewa,
they both cancel eachother out it my life, its not fair! they are so opposite, but they are both people i love.. It hurts that luke wants nothing to do with me anymore, I really thought we couyld have worked through things, and eventually worked together and get married or something gay, Right now was a bad time for us, but eventiually i think things would have worked out.
But Dewa, he comes into the picture, and now I want to be with him forever. Im so confused, earlier, i had them both long distance, I sholdnt have ruined things with luke, even though we werent meant for eachother. I just hope my heart gets its act together, before I end up hurting anyone else.
The red sand is me. Heal instead.

So Im back in Bar attack, I am enjoying myself, a little anxious here and there, im not really sure what t odo with myself. I emjoy hanging out with my friends, and I hope to get a job soon. and save up alot of money, and then goto Australia. it sounds like so much fun to go there, and work, and surf. and have fun.

before \ \ \ \ after