2006-03-26 / / / / do i have opinions? or am i a blonde

Its been a strange life. to be stuck thinking oof the things that have fucked you up so bad, that they carry out to why your mood is flucktating the way it is..
Im sitting in my bacment listening to Lisa loeb.. and she makes me want to write songs as depressing as hers with my guitar.
My opinions shold be interupting the life of others.....
what are my opinions?? ontario is to cold? but other places are probably worse.. why cant you ever find friends you really connect with. why are there so many foods that are fattening. why does working outcost more then eating bad.
what would everyone really rather be doing.
have the guys Ive dated in the past ruined my life.
hmm opinions. everyone is in denial of being healthy.
which means everyone thinks they are heallthier then what they really are.
Addictive things sholdnt be so additcive,.
education should always link you to a job. or else it shold be free.
nobody is perfect.
no ones parents are that bad, maybe malestation is,but if they stuck by you they obviiously care. whioch is more then some kids get,
teachers are unhappy worthless poeople who ruin the lives of perfectly happy children.
learning to much at a young age builds the brain into stress.
water is good.
psychic thoughts are intereting.
so r the lives of actors, becuase they get big houses and lots of cash.
dead people have weird stuff preservin ththere bodies which is bad for the environment,
clothes should be all the same so we are all equal
hair is a big part of my life.
blah. opinions, i have so many but they are unspoken becuase i feel i dotn know the truth but he truth is there is no truth..
books are cool
but hard to remeber excatly what you liked in them
there are so many thinsg to do, but being bored is the best.
i always just wantto be somewhere warmer, with money.
thats all.. hot guys all around feeding me grapes

before \ \ \ \ after