2004-12-07 / / / / -

Brr.. its cold today, especially in my house beucase my brother leaves the windows open, to vent out the pot smoke.. yuky pot. even though i did smoke some yesterday, and it gave me the biggest munchies.. i ate so many bbq chips.
I dont want to goto the mall today.. I have been dreading it since I woke up. Its the first and only thing that has gone through my mind all day.
I wish I was reading my book right now, Its so easy to read and its so good but theres always something else thaht i am doing.
Me and sam watched its a beautiful life last night, it made me sad, Ive never really though to much about the whole hitler thing.. i mean i know he was in charge of the killing of jews and it statrted the whole 2nd world war stuff.. but what about all the people that actually did the killing? they are the fucked up ones.. not hitler. It makes me so sad that we all hate hitler.. when we shuold really hate our selve for just doing what someone else tells us to. we could all be as powerfull as him, if we get stupid people to follow us with guns.. doing everything we tell them.
He wouldnt have had any power over the people if no one was on his side. but obvioiusly lots of people were.. or they would have taken part in the slaughtering of nice innocent people.
I really want to understand how so many people would be that crazy to just kill people they dont know. I thnk its natural that we get mad and want to kill people for reasons, and its natural to fight. But for so many people to hate jews? why.. I dont get it. Hitler is just as powerfull as any presedent, we all fight for there awarness. How come we dont fight for our own? I just want to be part of the machine.. becuse if not I will get thrown in jail, or I will starve to death. They have us trapped.. just like the german people who didnt really hate the jewish.. but they had to kill them anyways.
oh bother. I like my freedom.. I like Canada. I hate working I hate it so much. Selling myslef for 7$ couldnt I spend that time some other way making 7$ an hour? what If i just sewed all day, or painted.. Im sure i could figure out a better way to make 7 crappy $ and hour.. Its not much if you think about it.. Grr

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