2004-11-15 / / / / working is all there is

So this is good, Sam is back with me now, Living at my house again! like in the summer, except he's out looking for a job and a place. We hope to stay here for a bit to save up and maybe find a car. We'll see just how that really goes though.
We had a good weekend, we visited my cousin Blake, and his turtles, and my best friend in the world Aaron.
Aaron's was nice, we hung out smoked a little hash then went to the kensington market for some pad thai oh.. it was tasty. Then me and sam drove home and had a fun night finally alone together in a room.. it was sexy, he tickled me for a long time.
Sooon I have to goto the muffin store. It was so bad towards the end of last week, I thought I would quit for sure. But now Im actually looking forward to going in, and I hope the rumours didnt spred that Im quitting. hehe. But if they did, who carse becuase then I can look for a better job. Anyways, on friday i drove to London and it was a long drive, then me and sam talked it was a little ackwards because I wasnt sure anymore If I thought we should still be serious, or something.. because I felt so depresed and drained. but after we talked things got a little more comfortable, and it is nice now!
I think the computer guy stole my mp3 pllayer, but maybe not. I will have to find it soon though, im getting mad I dont have music with me everywhere. Gr! I cant wait until SPARTA wholy crap.. Im so excited it is less then a week away. thats fucking awsome. I hope i get Saturday off, mother fuckers! hahah. ah... i hope people arent mean today, they can be mean, people who want there coffee,, from the muffin store, they have no life. no life at all.
whef. im glad i have a life. haha
So yeah, me aaron and sam are going to run away together soon,. after januray, aarons bday and my medical.
I have to go tomorrow for an ultra sound, to make sure a lump i have in my brest isnt cancer. I think the lump is weird and gross and its starting to hurt, but im scared about what they are going to do to it,, I dont want any weird scars or anything on my boobies... ewww.
butyeah, i guess that would be better then canceruos scary bumps..
Well i guess thats all for now
cant you eat the red ones last

before \ \ \ \ after