2004-03-18 / / / / piercings hurt like a bitch

wholy toledo, my nipple is fucking sore!!!!!!

owe....... it hurts way to much, Im going to die. ( i just got it pierced...) becuase curtis forced me to! i cant belive i did it. im crazy. curtis is crazy.

Me and Cat had a fun night, we got extremly drunk I spent 40$ my last 40$$$!!!! i cant believe it, I bought 6 drinks, and Cat 2. we started at beef eater, with Cassidy and her friends, and then we went to Fitzys, and we saw everyone, like Brianne and Mel and Jen woyce, and Amanda Butterworth. It was exciting. Brock and I kinda had a talk, becuase cat was telling me all night how im not ready for a guy, and I told brock taht I didnt want something serious, and he kinda freaked out. And wouldnt stop talking about it all night. I went back to his place, we have the best sleep overs, we just cuddle and talk.. and we still have alot in common. He said, what do i want just sex? because he wants a relationship with me, and he doesnt want to get hurt or used. and yeah, he kept being like oh i cant kiss you now. I like you to much. but its so weird, becuase everyone keeps telling me hes a slut. he has made out with alot of girls at the bar, but has only slept with a few people. I dont know what to do, because im starting to like him alot, but he has nothing to offer me.. yes. I have to be strong.. but yeah Last night I almost ended things, and I felt like it wasnt right, there is something between us that is really awsome. he said even if i moved away, i would still be close to him becuase he thinks of me alot.. hes to sweet of a talker. blah. he also says that he liked me long before we met last week, he used to like me when i had dreads and stuff. awe brock is so cute. but i have a feeling things will slow down now, because of that last night, and i will be sad.

anyways. I got my nipple pierced ! haha.. its going to drive me insane for the next week. but now im cool! hahaha

before \ \ \ \ after