2004-03-13 / / / / cute boys will be the death of me

I found my sparta Cd!!!

i lost it forever, and now its back, and im so happy.

I had an awsome night last night...

me and cat went to the bar with her 2 friends, and cat was sad because none of us dressed up except her.. and i felt bad, becuase she was actually not enjoying being dressed up at all! awe.. so it unfolded making her night annoying i guess, she needs more confidence or something. but she looked good, she was just insecure or something the whole night, i dont know what was wrong.

but anyways we picked up 6 guys! hahah... and brought them back to my house for a party!

they all played guiatrs and stuff, so they jammed for us in my basement and we listened to music and just hung out.

I met this guy Brady, my mom kknows his mom and he sort of knew me, and knew i wentout west and wanted info on a good place to work, so he always asked his mom to ask my mom, then last night we finally met. And he was so cute! hes like a tiny bit taller then me, and hes a snowboarder and stuff, and he was really cool.

we hung out alot the whole night, but i dont really remeber what we talked about at the bar becuase I was kinda drunk. But This other guy Brock who is really hot and cute, who me and cat actually stocked at the mall yesterday, was at the bar, and i saw him there the night before and he said hi to me, and i was in love. Anyways, he ended up comming back to my place to becase he was friends with Brady, and he admitted that he had a big crush on me and then we kissed, it was cool. and i admitted to stocking him in the mall! and he said he saw us everywhere.. hahah. But yeah, hes this cute guy who plays the guitar in a band and he goes to georgian for graphic design, and i know his storys about him, which was weird becuase i have known about him forever, (he split up friends of a friends marriage) and i had no idea it was the same guy. anyways, the last couple days I had a huge crush on him and I actually got him, it was weird. and i think it made cat mad. becuase I didnt do anything. which never happens! whenver i get stocking crushes on guys, it takes months before they notice me! Another wierd thing is we have both made out with this guy brett... hahaha. weirdness.

anyways, suposivly he really likes me and wants to hang out and go on dates. but tonight hes working at Yuk Yuks, as a comedian? i didnt really understand how, but anyways,. hes super hot and im in love.. but not, becuase hes just a guy, and I like his friend Brady to, and i also gave him my number. And one of the other guys who came over also asked for my number. I was studding it up last night. Hahahahaha. it felt good, i have only been with 2 differnt guys all year, Malcolm and Andy, and Andy and i dated this time last year, and before andy i was single for a while.

so yeah, who knows what will happen now. but I like cute boys they are good.

before \ \ \ \ after