2003-12-24 / / / / -

yeay, its christmas. Im so not excited.

I went on a shopping spree and bought myslef everything i need with my credit card,anyways which was pretty much work pants and underwear. and i keep getting cool gifts from people. which reminds me i owe kamiya a gift. but yeah. Its just not christmas anymore. i guess maybe im not as excited about getting all those things ive been waiting for all year that i cant afford myself. or its just the fact that i dont really enjoy spending time with my family anyways. Christmas is just an excuse for us to enjoy the snow and stupid christmas trees, whats the point of a christmas tree anyways? and who is jesus? is he an indian? Meh. yeah i have to spend a whole day with my family tomorrow pretending to be happy and enjoying eating Meat. and lots of other foods that dont settle well in my stomach. I hate the stupid last minute christmas shoppers and there damn needs to see a stupid christmas movie they dont really like anyways. I hate how everyone has to leave and go visit there family. I hate that im so bitter about all of this. stupid present day. I liked the feeling of fresh white snow, and santa clause, and just some weird happy feeling that came with red and green lites. to me this year christmas just equals spend all your money so people who you dont really care about, think you care about them. Ha its a joke. I think im also dreading the day at my cousins house way to much, but it seems such a fake day. I see these people im related to about once a year, and we have nothing to talk about. sure they give me gifts and we give them gifts, but we dont have a shindig. nor do i enjoy shindigs. i would prefer to just sit on a tropical island somewhere, i almost could afford an air ticket after all the money i spent. and whats with the music? I mean those same 10 songs get very old after about 20 years, and do they make any sense?? flying raindeer? ok christmas is compeltly over rated. its definatly for the children, i just wish it didnt interfeer with my plans of being alone and bored all day. which is what i truely enjoy.


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