2003-04-02 / / / / words

whatchin the clock break its seconds cant cast feelings anymore. i wait one last minute. I feel one last second. its so late, the clock is gone forgotten it falls to pieces, broken on the floor. rats to hard to get back on track its comming to soon to big to much. no more chances. waiting for the sound the ticking in my ear to stop, painting things so beautiful time is of the essence, time is of the death. flowers share their light in silence breathing a life so short, sorrowed withered pain inside holding everything in. whats it like to fall apart leaves dropping giving up to the ground. everything stops. like a rainshower that moves away to welcome the sun. stoping time awaiting warmth. starting fresh waisting hours. breaking truth to take romances. whats it like to see the petals you hold so close disolve,. when its time theirs nothing left no vines to grow from anymore. life is hard and no ones come to give you a second chance, times ticking here for all of us so make your decisions fast.

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