2003-01-08 / / / / fuck you

safe from all the questions

hey diary.. today sucked so bad

i was in the worst mood and i woke up and almost fainted becuase of my stupid tattoo., and i found out i got a cheque in the mail and my parents took it becasue of the repairs on the computer were alot. and my dad is bitch and hes mean and some times i get ticked off and dont feel good and he goes and makes my day worse well fuck you.

yeah fuck the world. i hate this stupid ass fucking place

grr. i hate my room it still smells like paint and my stomach is being angry and not digesting my food so its all rumbly and uncomfortable and i have a stupid headache thats lasted so long and some times it gets so strong i cant do anything but wait for the strong surge of headacheness to go away. and i cant see anything becuase i need glasses so bad everything is double vision and my eyes are irateded becasue they have to work so hard, and my skin is dry, my period is never ending, and i cant find a job becuase i look like a dirty bum, and i have no boyfriends or girlfriends becuase i suck, im a stupid lazy dum dum. fuck i hate everything right now, school my hosue, the non exsistantness of relationships, im just stuck in my fucking basement with nothing to do, but its not like im in a good mood to do anything anyways... fuck you fuck you.

although tomorrow is technically my friday, and yeah thats about it fuck

before \ \ \ \ after