2002-11-28 / / / / its a curse


i went to toronto today

it was ok, except for the time i cracked in the one of a kind show.

a lady thought i was shannons kid, she was handing out candy and asked shannon if it was alright if i had one!! i felt like a big loser but it was funny.

me and christa hung out most of the day and talked alot. shes cool

hmm ibought some candy for my friends for christmas, and i gave a bum some dried mangos. i also bought some neet soap from lush. and we got to see how stones are cut and what not. it was alright we also went to the pickle barlle, oh and at the one of a kind show i got really good chinsses egg noodles and they were in a box just like those ones you see on tv. ahh they were good. the day was very long tho and i didnt get anything done at school. but yes it was a break. im now planning on going to bed i will try to get a good sleep so i can last in the studio tomorrow.

highschool seems so long ago., lindsay was talking about old memories and they seem so ancient i hardly remeber them.

so yeah... this weekend will come soon

ah im bored! whats goin on! i cant wait to do lots of art those stupid art shows make me so angry i dont do lots more art.

ok thats all

peanut skittles

cat chup

cheese sticks

dont let pumpkins get morldy they really start to smell

before \ \ \ \ after